Free Articles

Our aim is to make this site a source of practical ideas on sales force development and excellence in Management. Click any of the links below to download our ideas documents.

Sales Force Performance

Contemporary Sales Competencies (353k)
Traditional sales competencies of customer planning, selling & negotiation and supply chain management no longer reflect today’s market environment and challenges.

Developing Sales Strategies with the Front Line Team (137k)
A practical view of sales strategy development which suggests that front line staff have enormous capacity for creative strategy development.

Sales Force Productivity (110k)
A more for less article. How can we get more sales and more profitability, from fewer customers, in less time, with potentially less people resources in our team?

Creating a robust Selling and Performance Management System (187k)
Sure, local product mix or sales tactics may vary, but that’s no excuse for multiple localised systems.

Key Account Management

Consumer Goods Key Account Management best practices (562k)
Our view of account management effectiveness: strategies, planning, processes, executional excellence and account team skills.

Best Practices in Account Management (Questionnaire) (273k)
A tool to help you to identify your KAM improvement priorities.

Profitable Account Management in Developing Markets (181k)
In markets like China or India, global retailers, have a foothold which can only grow. This paper summarises our experiences of working with account teams in developing markets.

Line Management Excellence

Sales Management Competencies (338k)
The top 10 contemporary competencies of Sales Managers. What you need to deliver results through people.

The Sales Manager’s Coaching Role (130k)
Managers have only 2 imperatives: get results and develop people….and if you don’t develop people, you won’t get the results.

Variety and Fun in Field Coaching (93k)
Coaching may be regular, but it need not be boring. The top 10 ideas to re-invigorate your coaching.

Learning and Development

All About Learning (434k)
How to make sense of “Brain Based Learning” and other contemporary theories to engage your adult learners.

Getting Traction for your Learning & Development Function (21k)
A self assessment questionnaire on the Health of your L&D Function: 40 actions to ensure that learning drives business results.

Checklist: 70:20:10, your framework for learning (49k)
How to help learners to learn on-the-job, and from others....and to leverage their workshop or on-line learning experiences

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