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Training FAQs

How should we position the role of Learning in our business?
Planning Training: where do I start?
What are "Competencies"?
What size of training budget do I need?
How do I get Management to take Learning seriously?
How can we measure Learning impact?
Should Learning be included in KPIs?
Can I integrate training with other business change processes?
Which Industries does JSA work in?
Does JSA consult or just train?
What is "blended learning"?
Can you upgrade our old training content?
Can you add new topics to our existing program?
Can you design an all new program blending custom content, customised and off the shelf?
Can you design programs for me to run?
Can we mix "you run" and "we run"?
What role should my Line Managers play in Training?
What is the 70: 20: 10 framework for Learning?
How important is Coaching?
Can we really expect busy managers to run training workshops?
What does an effective Induction Program look like?

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